Couple Chore Quiz

A Fun Way for Couples to Find Out Who Does More Household Work between you and your partner

Man Doing Part of Balanced House Chores

Couple Chore Quiz Instructions

1. Start the Quiz:
To begin, simply click the "Start Quiz" button on the main page of the app. This will take you to the first question, where you’ll be prompted to answer who usually performs each chore.

2. Take Turns Answering:
The quiz is designed for two partners to take turns answering questions. Each question will ask about a specific household chore (like “Who usually does the dishes?” or “Who vacuums the most?”). You’ll choose one of two options: "I do it" or "My partner does it."

3. Progress Through the Questions:
After each answer, the quiz will move to the next question, and the partner will switch, so both partners get a turn to respond.

4. View Your Results:
Once you’ve completed all the questions, the app will reveal the results. You’ll see who does more chores, and the app will display the scores for both partners. If there’s a tie, that will be shown as well!

5. Restart and Try Again:
After seeing the results, you can choose to restart the quiz and take it again to see if your answers change or if your results shift.

Couple Doing House Chores Together

Tips for Organizing Family Chores to Be More Equal

While the Couple Chore Quiz is a fun way to evaluate the distribution of chores, organizing them effectively is essential for maintaining a balanced household. Here are some tips to help ensure everyone in your family shares responsibilities fairly:

  1. Create a Chore Chart – A visual chore chart is a great way to track who is responsible for each task and ensure that no one gets overloaded. You can divide chores by category (e.g., cleaning, cooking, laundry) and assign specific tasks to each family member. This chart can be placed in a common area (like the kitchen or living room) for easy reference.

  2. Rotate Responsibilities – Instead of having the same person do the same chore every week, rotate tasks to keep things fair and prevent anyone from feeling stuck with the "harder" tasks. If one partner usually handles the dishes, switch it up after a week to give both partners an opportunity to do different chores.

  3. Set Realistic Expectations – Make sure you and your partner (or family members) have a realistic understanding of what each person can handle. Be clear about expectations for the week, and consider work schedules, physical limitations, or personal preferences when assigning chores.

  4. Discuss Your Needs Openly – Communication is key to a balanced household. Have an open conversation with your partner or family members about the chores you find difficult or time-consuming. If you feel like the load isn’t distributed fairly, express your thoughts and work together to come up with a solution.

  5. Use TidyLegend App – TidyLegend shows you a leaderboard with who does most chores. Gamify your household chores and compete with your partner to complete most chores.

  6. Incorporate Teamwork – When possible, team up with your partner or a family member to tackle big chores together. Cleaning the house can be less overwhelming when done as a team, and it also gives you quality time to bond. Plus, it’s much more efficient!

  7. Celebrate Achievements – Acknowledge each other’s efforts and celebrate when tasks are completed on time or with extra effort. A little appreciation goes a long way in making everyone feel valued and motivated to contribute to the household chores.

  8. Make it Fun! – Find ways to make chores more enjoyable. You could turn cleaning into a game, listen to music while tidying up, or set a timer and race to see who can finish their chores the fastest. The more enjoyable chores are, the more likely everyone will pitch in.

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